learning html

hello!! this will be my first entry in my little blog. i've been in the process of learning html
for this fun little website. the thing that has confused me the most is the div element. i still have
pretty much no idea how to use it properly, but for the first time i was able to actually use it for
my blog page! it let me place the unordered list of blog entries a little bit to the left so it wont
be so ugly and in the middle like everything else. i used the relative position to put it in an exact
spot based off of its original position, but that means that other entries into the unordered list will
not also be centered, so its not truly a permanent solution. i also figured out how to make a small graphic
the background to the site; i was going for a windows nt tiled pattern type of background. i have so much more
to learn!!

-kip 4/14/23

this site does not look correct on mobile
it is heavily inspired by maia crimew's blog
& it is a work in progress as i am learning
there will be more content :3 this is not just a carrd for me